generative art > algorithmic audio ten projects in this subcategory
Enigma n^2 by Jim Andrews Enigma n^2 is meaning thrice: once backwards, twice forwards. Very stereo. Best with headphones up loud. Click around in it. It also lets you explore different sounds in a similar manner if you download the source code and open it with Director.
An experiential conceptual piece.
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REplay PLAYer by Karlheinz Essl REplay PLAYer is a computer program that de-constructs a given sound file and re-composes it by using realtime composition algorithms - a field of research that has been investigated by Karlheinz Essl since the mid 1980ies. With this project, the author is following once again his vision of a music "that is composed, as if from itself (auto-poetic), at the moment of its sounding."
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Lexikon-Sonate by Karlheinz Essl Lexikon-Sonate is an interactive realtime composition environment for musical composition and live performances. It takes advantage of composition algorithms that has been developed by Karlheinz Essl since the 1985 years. With this algorithmic music generator on can easily create fascinating and complex musical structures on the fly. [...]
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[ineffable] by mary flanagan + andrew gerngross [ineffable] is a computer application which reads aggregated emails between two correspondents and maps the use of language through the words users utilize in everyday correspondence. The project explores the question, Do we have particular “voice” in our daily writing to friends and colleagues, and does that voice change depending on who we are writing to and why?
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Percussionist's Diary by Andreja Andric Percussionist's Diary is a program for MS-DOS/Windows that generates percussion improvisations in MIDI format. The titles of the pieces are chosen like in a diary: date and time of the moment of creation. The mood, tonality and instrumentation changes from piece to piece, thus forming a unique contrasting cycle of pieces. [...]
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Piano Player's Diary by Andreja Andric Piano Player's Diary is a program for MS-DOS/Windows that produces romantic piano improvisations in MIDI format. The titles of the pieces are chosen like in a diary: date and time of the moment of creation. The mood and tonality changes from piece to piece, thus forming a unique contrasting cycle of pieces. No input is required. [...]
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WebernUhrWerk by Karlheinz Essl Generative music generator, commemorating his sudden and unexpected death on 15 Sep 1945 as he was accidentially shot dead by an American GI.
A program that composes generative Carillon music based on the twelve-tone row of Anton Webern's last composition
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SEELEWASCHEN by Karlheinz Essl SEELEWASCHEN is a generative sound environment which was originally composed by Karlheinz Essl for an outdoor light installation by the German artist Rainer Gottemeier. Using the sound of one single bell stroke as its basic material, the piece unfolds a rich sonic cosmos by a computer program. Taking advantage compositional algorithms that have been developed by Karlheinz Essl since the early [...]
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FontanaMixer by Karlheinz Essl FontanaMixer is a generative sound environment based on John Cage's "Fontana Mix" (1958). The original concept of the piece uses a graphical random generator that is supplied with the score. This new version, however, uses realtime sound generation and produces completely unpredictable sonic results which are reflecting Cage's ideas of indeterminacy, chance, and silence.
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fLOW - ambient soundscape generator by Karlheinz Essl fLOW is an audio computer program running on Apple Macintosh machines. It generates an ever-changing and never repeating soundscape in real time that fills the space with flooding sounds that resemble - metaphorically - the timbres of water, fire, earth, and air. This ambient sound scape generator adjusts itself through various parameters and controllers that are represented in real time on your [...]
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